Follow these steps to safely remove your press-on nails without damaging your natural nails.
Step 1: Soak Your Nails
Let's start by soaking your nails in warm water for about 2-3 minutes. This will help loosen the adhesive.
Step 2: Gently Lift the Edges
Once your nails are soaked, use the cuticle stick provided to gently lift the edges of your press-on nail. It’s better to do this from the side of the nail, so that you don’t accidently stick it under your natural nail.
If you feel that the press-on nail is still very firmly bonded with your natural nail, repeat the previous soaking step for easier removal.
Step 3: Remove the Nails
Slowly and carefully peel off the press-on nail from the edge.
If you feel too much resistance, repeat the previous steps again.
Step 4: Clean and Storage
After removing all press-on nails, check if there’s any remaining adhesive on your natural nails and your press-on nails; remove it using the stick or alcohol pads.
Dry your press-on nails and safely store them back in the original box, so that they can be used again.
Step 5: Moisturise Hands and Nails
It’s a good idea to look after your hands and nails, using hand cream and cuticle oil